1. Are NT and WA in the NHVR and follow NHVL?
Not at this time, although this may change in the years ahead. You will need to understand the local State laws Governing Heavy Vehicles which are different to NHVL.
2. Can I use EWD in WA or NT?
When a driver enters WA or NT from any other State and stays in WA/NT for less than 7 days, the driver can use the EWD and follow the fatigue rules as part of the EWD.
3. If my work in WA or NT is greater than 7 days, can I use the EWD?
No, as the driver will need to follow the fatigue rules as Governed by the State law.
When leaving the Northern Territory or Western Australia after a stay of more than 7 days, you must use the EWD from at least the last major rest break before crossing the border
Quallogi will be adding in the WA and NT rule set in the future, please contact us if you are considering adopting an Electronic Work Diary to use as a driver logbook in WA or NT!